Be The Best Kind Of You…

It is strange how time flies by, you let the days pass by without a care in the world and there is always stuff that you want to achieve but you think ‘ill do that tomorrow’ or you have the people who go around with ‘carpe diem’ on their top or tattooed onto their skin; but do they really seize the day or is just another a way of fooling yourself that you are making the most out of life. There are so many things that I wish I did before losing my leg, so many opportunities that I shouldn’t have declined but you never think that it will be YOU in that position where the opportunities are no longer there. No one is getting any younger and for the first time in my life I worry about getting old, and letting my life slip away.

2017 so far is proving to be a good year but its only just began and I would have said the same thing this time last year. I am on a mission to not let this loss beat me. I have a personal trainer at the gym now which has done my confidence at the gym wonders. I am cycling at least twice a week and trying hard to eat better. I have given up chocolate for the year (if you know me you will know this is a miracle) and as of this week limiting myself to two cans of fizzy drinks a day in the hope that I drink more water.

I feel limited by my prosthetic leg, there is so much more I want to be doing and I need to find  out if this can be improved by a different prosthetic or if I need to accept that this is it for life now. Life is all about adapting and myself and Holly have gone through such a big transition to adapt to our new life, she has been so strong and has been my rock. If a couple can go through something like this I am pretty sure they can go through anything.

So a year to the day since my accident and to state the obvious its a tough day. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger and I really do think that although there are always going to be those days that I am down or struggling that the experience I have been through has made me a better person. It makes you appreciate life and you don’t bother with the petty things because at the end of the day really don’t matter.

Every day may not be good but there is something good in everyday.

Grapes x